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Independent Living (IL)

We provide all levels of Independent Living (IL) services.  Independent Living Evaluations are used to help discover what areas in a person’s life need support or training to ensure their foundation for employment is stable and they are ready to be successful in work. IL Services is where we work 1:1 with the individual to learn the new skill or task to assist the person in becoming more independent.  The services are typically very short term and goal specific.

IL Services

We can help you access services in the community or learn the skills to live independently.

IL Work-Related Systems Access—services include assisting individuals in accessing and utilizing such services as Social Security, Medicaid, Housing, Insurance, Expunging Criminal Histories, and addressing licensing needs.

IL Skills Training—services are directed at developing an individual’s skills and abilities to reduce or eliminate their barriers to employment. Independent Living training covers many life areas including:

·         Use of transportation services

·         Decision making

·         Money management

·         Use of communication to access services

·         Organizational abilities

·         Interpersonal and social relationships

·         Time management

·         Self-advocacy

·         Accessing community resources and benefit programs

·         Attendant management

·         Self-Care

·         Self-Protection

·         Support systems

·         Home management

·         Education (for example: finding computer training that fits for you, or accessing resources on a community college campus)

·         Employment barriers (building confidence, learning to talk about strengths)

Contact Freedom Consulting LLC today for more info!

2018 AJ Designs

Freedom Consulting LLC

720 N Argonne Rd, Suite E, 

Spokane Valley, WA 99212

Tel: 509-241-3081

Fax: 877-268-9105

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